Saturday, September 14, 2013

Danes' self-perception and your perception of them: The truth behind.

One thing is how you perceive yourself and other thing is how your acquaintances perceive you. You think you are hardworking, generous and friendly. The rest of the world when looking at you they see someone lazy, stingy and unpleasant. But, what about the Danes? Last night, some people asked what they are like. That’s what I said.

They are more than aware of the fact that Denmark is a small country. Nobody remembers Denmark due to a great historical hit. Even though you check the most famous Danish people in its history, you’ll only see some referents like Karen Blixen, Niels Bohr, Kierkegaard, but overall H.C. Andersen. But they are satisfied with that.
From a distance it seems that they have super big ego. When you break the ice, you’ll see they are pure love. But, don’t date to criticize their system, education or society. Then you’ll suffer their wrath full of explanations with a non-modesty stink.

In the same way that they are modest, they are also really self-satisfied. Gosh, they are Vikings! They are so pleased with themselves, even if it’s not polite to think one is more than others and they love equality. There isn’t anyone better than anyone but nothing is greater than being Dane.
Swedes are the poorer neighbors, the Southern countries In Europe have the heat inside but they are unreliable and always late, the Germans are formal and too much precise. But being Dane means to have a great sense of humor and to know how to have fun, they are peaceful and civilized. I even heard, “we are the Brazilians of the Scandinavian world”.
How much is it true? Well, they are really peaceful and civilized but give them the opportunity and they’ll create biggest riots ever. I still remember a derby between FCK and Brøndby where the bonfires almost burned down the stadium. I cannot forget, only Danes are allowed to use irony no matter consequences, it’s just humor. If you aren’t Danish, not only they will not understand you, but also they will get offended, it’s not just humor now. But still… Their modesty brings self-satisfaction with.

When someone says to me that Danes are fun and the friendliest people ever seen because they used to have a pal from Denmark I always ask “where did you meet him/her?” I can assure that in most of the cases, they answer “we partied together”. For sure there are many friendly and kind people in Denmark but the problem is they are very shy too. This fact is like this until they get a drink.
However, the biggest test comes next few days, when you see your party pal on the streets and he or she pretends not knowing you and doesn’t hail you. Moreover this shyness makes them so difficult to get known, but once you break the wall, you can have a good friend.
They are aware of this fact. They know so bad that they are shy, but how can you change your DNA?

Don’t expect to bring a Danish friend to a gala party in other European country and shine all over the guests. They know how to dress up, but a formal situation doesn’t not only mean good looking clothes. It’s attitude when talking to people and behaving, but overall manners.
Actually, I’m not sure if they know about this fact. Only the Danish representation in the EU Parliament can be seen with a purple shirt when the other members wear them in white or light blue. You never stretch up while you sit at the table.
However, this is something I kind of like. In my culture we are full of conservatism or pre-established rules of formalism that obligate us to behave in a fake way. They don’t. They are natural. We love them natural, like vegetables and fruits. If I have to choose, I wouldn’t change them. So, never trust on a very formal Dane.

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